Apr 2015 image2
If it’s time to expand, it might be time to consider new locations for your food production facilities. Depending on the food you produce and the consumer market you are trying to reach, a foray into a new state (or states) might make good sense for your business growth. The right site will also lend itself to a well-planned and efficient construction endeavor.

According to Site Selection magazine, ethnic food production growth is among the top trends in food and beverage today, and those producers are building new facilities in new locations at a healthy rate. Factors that have helped certain ethnic food manufacturers choose a new site include access to non-U.S. markets, workforce availability, proximity to commodity goods and water and more. This Business Facilities article expands on the list of food producers’ site-selection criteria to include incentives, financing, infrastructure, supply chain, geographic features and more.

Our team of engineering experts can help you navigate your plans for your new plant. Our process-specific general construction services can help you design the best new food plant for your needs.